You may make more or less, or even at any angle you chose, this is just a basic example. What we are doing here, is making strokes along the pupils edge, take a look at the small screen shot here to see where to make the strokes. Now, in your brushes dialog, select one of the smaller fuzzy circles, I like the one which is 5px by 5px, as well as the smallest one. Check the fade out box and change the length to about 27px, you can play around with that if you like, but this is the setting I prefer. Ok now select the smudger tool, double click on it to open the tool options. This is where the eye will start to come to life! Go back to the layers dialog and select the top layer (the smallest brown circle), and merge it down. (the large brown circle) Right click and duplicate the layer, we will need an extra on of these layers to cut some imperfections as we go along. In the layers dialog, select the first new layer we created. And I will stress here, please know the basic functions of Gimp, as I can not explain it all. Our image should now look like the one in the screenshot. If you would like the settings the same as mine, they would be: You can do the same if you like, by opening the brushes dialog and clicking the "new brush" option.

Using the same dark brown, or a shade between the two we have already used, we will use a circular brush to make the pupil, we will later change the pupil to black.įor the pupil, I have created a new brush since the Gimp ones seem to be too small. Now, create another new layer, we can deselect now. (select->shrink->4px->ok) We will now fill the selection with a lighter brown, and since we are making honey brown, the color I chose would be: b5974f Without deselecting, create a new layer and shrink the selection by 4px. Using the ellipse tool we talked about, make a selection on our new blank image, and fill it with a dark brown, or, in this case, I will be using: 5e4e29 Now we are ready to start making the eyes, so let's decide on a color shall we? I've already made a honey brown for my sims, but for the sake of this tutorial, we'll make honey brown. This may appear to be too big, but that is ok, we will be scaling the image later.
Also, using the drop down menu, change the tool from free select, to fixed size.

Check the box Antialiasing, this will make the edges smooth. Select the Ellipse tool and double click on that so the tool options opens. Create a new transparent layer, as we will not be needing the white background later. Start by making a new image that is 100px in width and 100px in height on a white background. You can go ahead and open the needed image in Gimp, but we will not need it just yet. Here is where I will get into detail and show some images that will help guide you in making gorgeous eyes for your sims! Once exported, it will show you a link to the file in which to open the image to be edited in your graphic program. You will pick any of the default eyes and export. In bodyshop, we will select to start a new project, and choose to create genetics. However, using these eyes when building a new sims will be genetic, so your sim babies will have these eyes as well! You will not be able to change the eyes of already built sims in your game with this, as this is not a mask. Great! Now we will start the process of making realistic default eyes for your sims.
This may take a while to load, as it takes forever on my own computer, though it may be that Windows Vista is not that great. Open your bodyshop program from the newest installed expansion pack you have.
MS Paint is not an option here, if you do not have any program, you may go to the gimp website and download the needed programs there.) To start, open Gimp (or whichever program you may be using.
Basic knowledge of Gimp and bodyshop is needed, as this is not a tutorial on how to use every function of these programs. However, I am sure you can find it easy to follow in another graphics program which may have the same functions. This tutorial is based on using the Gimp program, This is my first tutorial, I'm not great with images, so hopefully I can explain better than I can screenshot!