Isadora duncan quotes you were wild here once
Isadora duncan quotes you were wild here once

Yet she is always played by thin little actresses. I have the ample figure, the hardy physique of a farm-servant. I could have played the part of Saint Joan.My Life (1927), chapter 28 Liveright Publishing, 2013, p.While we are ourselves the living graves of murdered animals, how can we expect any ideal conditions on the earth? Why not? From cutting the throat of a young calf to cutting the throat of our brothers and sisters is but a step. The butcher with his bloody apron incites bloodshed, murder. Who loves this horrible thing called war? Probably the meat-eaters, having killed, feel the need to kill-kill birds, animals-the tender stricken deer-hunt foxes. Sometimes during the war when I heard the cries of the wounded I thought of the cries of the animals in the slaughterhouse, and I felt that, as we torture these poor defenceless creatures, so the gods torture us. The children of my school were all vegetarians, and grew strong and beautiful on a vegetable and fruit diet. I think all sane, thinking people must be of his opinion. Bernard Shaw says that as long as men torture and slay animals and eat their flesh we shall have war.As quoted in Modern Dancing and Dancers (1912) by John Ernest Crawford Flitch, p.Moreover movèments, just like harmonies in music, are not invented they are discovered. These ugly and false positions in no way express that state of unconscious Dionysiac delirium which is necessary to the dancer. I have closely studied the figured documents of all ages and of all the great masters, but I have never seen in them any representations of human beings walking on the extremity of the toes or raising the leg higher than the head.My inspiration has been drawn from trees, from waves, from clouds, from the sympathies that exist between passion and the storm, between gentleness and the soft breeze, and the like, and I always endeavour to put into my movements a little of that divine continuity which gives to the whole of nature its beauty and its life. From them I have learned to regard nature, and when certain of my movements recall the gestures that are seen in works of art, it is only because, like them, they are drawn from the grand natural source. Rodin has said: "To produce good sculpture it is not necessary to copy the works of antiquity it is necessary first of all to regard the works of nature, and to see in those of the classics only the method by which they have interpreted nature." Rodin is right and in my art I have by no means copied, as has been supposed, the figures of Greek vases, friezes and paintings. It is from nature alone that the dancer must draw his inspirations, in the same manner as the sculptor, with whom he has so many affinities.

isadora duncan quotes you were wild here once

  • To seek in nature the fairest forms and to find the movement which expresses the soul of these forms - this is the art of the dancer.
  • isadora duncan quotes you were wild here once

    Quotes Movèments, just like harmonies in music, are not invented they are discovered.

    Isadora duncan quotes you were wild here once